Tacos aren’t just for Tuesday!
This template can be used as a good makeup bag or as a pencil case for kids to go to school.
If it's worn out or dirty, you can use a template to make a new one, and you can replace it with a different style.
The pattern comes in three sizes for all your carrying needs,and it's also easy to carry skincare and makeup on short trips.
It only takes a few minutes to sew.
The zipper also keeps the contents from falling out and makes it easy to access items.
Happily, templates can be reused many times!
About Size
- Our templates are available in three sizes and can be used to make Cosmetics bag of different sizes. If you need other sizes, you can contact us on facebook for customization.
Small: 5 inch
Medium: 8 inch
Large: 15 inch
- More cost-effective combination
🛒All Sizes-S+M+L Hot Sale+Recommend
【We also include detailed sewing tutorials with your product after purchase】
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