A great joy of the holiday season is opening treasured boxes of decorations and ornaments.
How about adding your own family heirloom this year by sewing a Fabric Christmas Tree?
It doesn’t get more vintage than a stuffed and sewn fabric Christmas Tree.
With an updated fabric, a vintage classic takes on a whole new life.
I sewed these fabric Christmas trees using this DIY Christmas Tree Decor Ruler to celebrate Christmas this year. Mom and I sewed several trees which will give as gifts.
This DIY Christmas Tree Decor Ruler is the perfect balance of machine and hand sewing. There is a little bit of each, and I always find that kind of project to be the most satisfying.
If you buy our DIY Christmas Tree Decor Ruler, you'll get Christmas Tree Decor Ruler & Instructions. Also, we'll give you Christmas Tree Napkin Instructions for free!
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